Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Joys of being GF

After doing some research, as a family, we decided that I should try going 'gluten free.' 
Seeing as Pots Syndrome and Celiac's Disease are both disorders of the autoimmune system. They have many over-lapping symptoms too...exhaustion, vertigo, migraines, etc.

We had to make this decision as a family because this diet is soooo $$$!!

I have been gluten free for 24 days now! Which is amazing since I just decided to do it one night, started the next morning & didn't look back.

I went to Whole Foods, the closest one to me is in Naperville. Thankfully, Brittany Darling was with me. When I got to the dairy section, I was on the verge of a minor break down. Up until that moment, standing that aisle that hummed quietly with the the sound of refrigerators cooling their beloved contents, I had been blissfully unaware of exactly what I would be giving up on this '------ free' diet- milk, cheese, yogurt, cream cheese, cottage cheese....!! I am SOOO EXTREMELY thankful that Brittany was standing next to me. I would have been hyperventilating on the floor if it weren't for her.

For the next hour, B-Darling (Brittany Darling) and I went on a treasure hunt, Whole Foods is aMaZiNg & labels all gluten free products with little purple tags by their bar codes/price tags. She and I were all over that store hunting for purple tags.

People probably thought we were mad, 'running' all over the aisles, laughing, grabbing food, and cheering when we found gluten free items in foods I liked. I always have fun with B-Darling. <3

Then, it came time to check out. I knew it was going to be expensive, being gluten free is not only a commitment of body and mind, by of resources also. At the register my wallet was bleeding. B-Darling told me she could see the pain in my face. 

I made it out of the store for just over $75 and found some items I really love!!! Also, one particular thing I will never eat again. I have learned how to cut bread out of my diet. Gluten free bread is SOOO expensive.

A HUGE THANK YOU to Brittany Darling for being a wonderful support system when I needed it that fateful day, just over three weeks ago.

Another great discovery in my GF adventure came along to one of the greatest women in my life, my God Mother Deb. 

My Mom and I went to Indiana a week and a half ago for my soon-to-be God Sister-in-Law's bridal shower. While we were there I was talking with Deb about being GF. She then took me to this Amish grocery store near her place with a fantastic GF section and natural foods in general.

The first thing I saw when we were in the GF section was granola. The exact thing I had been to 4 stores in the pervious couple days looking for. I got so excited I was almost jumping up & down in front of the shelf. I looked at my Mom, "go get a cart." She moaned. "This is going to be expensive, isn't it?" she replied. "Probably," was my only response. 
5 bags of GF granola, and a ton of other delicious food I was able to eat later....we were out the door.

I have been extremely thankful for my beloved htc evo, without it I am not sure I would be able to be gluten free (I have no idea how people did it before)! I have been googling everything I put in my mouth. Ha. I also have an app that I use to scan barcodes to see if the product is GF or not. 

This has been an adventure in self restraint.
One that will continue until further notice....

Off to Eat a Rice Cake,